All Three Forms Of Verb

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Top 1000 Verbs Out of the 2265 most frequently used words, 1010 were identified as verbs. However, 457 words were primarily used as verbs, while the remaining 553 words were different types but could be used as a verb. Bone thugs harmony music videos. For example, the word 'address' is a noun, such as, 'What is your mailing address?' However, it can also be a verb, 'Please address the judge as your honor.'


Write The Three Forms Of Verb

Because of the multiple meaning of words, the ordering of words were conducted by 1) taking the frequency of only verb types, then 2) taking the frequency of (verb + other type), then finally 3) taking the frequency of (other type + verb). There can be typos or errors. If you find anything that is incorrect, please email We will do our best to correct everything.