Cast Of The Exorcist Movie

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Cast Of The Exorcist Movie Rating: 5,5/10 6824 reviews

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  1. The Exorcist Tv Show Cast

The Exorcist Tv Show Cast

Rating: Extremely controversial at the time of its release, THE EXORCIST kicked off intense debate among critics, community leaders, and even religious leaders--spurring the public, of course, to make it one of the most financially successful horror films ever made. Regan (Linda Blair), the 12-year-old daughter of a famous stage actress (Ellen Burstyn), begins to suffer unexplainable fits and bouts of bizarre behavior. The girl is brought to doctors, but examinations fail to pinpoint a physical or psychiatric ailment. Regan's condition grows worse, and she begins to transform physically, taking on an ugly, demonic appearance. In desperation, Regan's mother asks the help of a young priest, Father Karras (Jason Miller).